10 Activities Of Home Quarantine

This Saturday, I completed my 14 days quarantine, that too with full honesty (even though there was no one to check on me). I have gone through it once before in India when I traveled from Delhi to Pune and have to follow 14 days compulsory home-quarantine . Both experiences were good but slightly different .

First few days passed easily due to Jet-Lag, in trying to cover my sleep and preparing the mind for sudden time difference (tried not to sleep during day-time, thus it vanished fast). Rest of the days were passed in following activities :-

Photography– Here photo opportunities were way lesser than in India. In India, my room was having the view of whole Pune city with highway, mountains and pond just in-front of me, while here just another community building facing my apartment. But still I tried to shoot as much as I could from my balcony – birds, trees, leaves, sun-set, buildings etc. Photography keeps me busy, gives relief to eyes and satisfaction to Soul 🙂

Vibrant leaves

Cooking – After being to my home-town for close to 5 months, that too without stepping a single foot into kitchen made me lazy. It seemed to be a heavy-lifting Job now, after that many months of gap. With no choice (didn’t preferred ordering food), after initial struggles, I was back to kitchen, 14 days of quarantine was enough time to get myself ready and finally I started enjoying cooking again.

Chickpeas Curry

My first concern was grocery. Got to know from my sister about Amazon grocery which I used thrice during the period. One can order grocery from Whole Foods via Amazon. Order should cost minimum 35$ to qualify for free delivery. Delivery date and time-slot can be chosen at the time of checkout and service is fast and good. They deliver in paper bags, totally sealed that seems to be safe.

Bird-Watching – I filled the bird-feed and waited for the birds to notice. They took around one week to find it and now post discovery, coming in groups to feed on it. I really love observing them from my couch. Whenever I got the chance, clicked them. I used to keep my camera near to me, as they are very delicate, with just a small sound they fly like mad.

Bird On Railing

Brain Train – I am consistently using Elevate and Lumosity apps for daily brain workouts, both take around 15 mins to practice. Recently started Sudoku (used to play long time back) again, one puzzle per day. On some days, I filled 6-8 puzzles in a row. Best way to keep yourself busy.

Learning – Those who follow the blog, might know, I have been learning Spanish language from Duolingo app since Feb. I continued the same here as well, 5 short exercise per day, nearly 20 mins. Learned various new words, read Spanish stories and lot more. Really good and highly recommended app.

Reading – I love to read, actually crossed 100 books mark, this year, in “read” category on Goodreads, total tally is 118. Currently reading “Reckoning” by John Grisham. I used to start my day with Men’s health and one cup green tea. Books are like those friends who always accompany you.

Blogging – In this period, I wrote 4 blogs that were very well received and created drafts for many others :). I read other bloggers’ work and did some improvements to my blogging site. Blogging is becoming a part of my life like rest of the activities and like everything, there is too much to learn.

Entertainment– I watched few series on Netflix and some random videos on YouTube during this whole time. YouTube mainly during cooking and eating, while Netflix just before bed.

Observation – Especially during evenings or early mornings, I used to sit in my balcony to observe the nature and my surroundings. Few times (when weather permitted) I worked outside (office work, blogging etc) too.

Major change I found here from India is, here I didn’t notice much guys wearing masks and they are going for walking, running or for working out in Gyms unlike India. In short, if you don’t know about COVID, you can never tell that something is wrong by observing the people here. They are so chilled out, which is good in a way.

Office – Last but not least, office-office. In the beginning, I made couch my sitting place with laptop in my lap, soon I found it uncomfortable (pain in back). So I setup my desk, actually my ping-pong table for the office work. It proved to be better than expected.

Office Setup

Are you also undergoing home-quarantine or just trying to be in-home as much as possible. Share your ideas how you spend time these days. Happy to hear back 🙂

Happy Reading !

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