Happy Photography Day

I still remember the day, when I actually took interest in Photography. Before that, I had reputation of a bad photographer who simply clicks the button without thinking about the subject ( Lol ! they were not wrong ). Thus I used to be the last person in family, to be called for taking photos 🙂

How it started ? So basically we were planning trip for Colorado back in 2018, when Harmit asked to buy a camera. I was reluctant and told her that our iPhones would be more than sufficient for the business, why we actually need a camera ? She persuaded me by describing the capabilities of camera which a phone simply can’t have.

After doing some research we purchased (from Walmart) Canon PowerShot SX530 HS : a digital camera with awesome zoom lens. I learned a lot from it with trial and error. That Colorado trip was amazing and we were happy to made that decision. I still own that camera, but it’s no longer in use.

There is an app for photographers – GuruShots which I will cover in details someday. To be precise, it’s kind of social media for photographers where one can enter competitions, see others’ works and vote for good pictures. I have to give credit to the community to bring out best from me. I am still active there.

On my last birthday in October, Harmit gifted me, Sony Alpha 6500 : a mirror-less camera (complete kit from Amazon) with amazing capabilities. I am still exploring it and having a good time with it.

I took numerous pictures with both of them and to be noted, i never delete any of my photo. Each photo is like a child for me, bad or good, plays a part in the ongoing journey. I am still a learner who has long way to go…

On this Photography Day, I wish all fellow photographers with some of my favorite pictures (3 colored , 3 b&w) :-

Niagara Falls


Sun-Set & Deer

In Thoughts


Macro World

Tell me which picture you liked most. Would love to see your work too. Hoping to see similar posts (Don’t forget to tag me) from the community.

Happy Photography Day !!!

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